A user with the admin role can access the Analysis settings which are accessible via two routes:
- Navigate to Lab configuration -> Workflows in the overview on the left side.
- Select the workflow (qPCR Analysis).
- On the right side, click on the edit icon to access the settings.
Customers that have one or more workflows can access the Analysis settings as follows:
- Navigate to Lab configuration -> Workflows in the overview on the left side.
- Select the desired workflow.
- In the workflow overview, go to the block 'qPCR Analysis' and click on the edit icon to open the settings.
An overview of the settings available for Analysis will be provided. Here, the user can make the desired adjustments.
If desired, the authorization process can be automated. If 'Automated authorization' is toggled to on, results will automatically be authorized on the following conditions:
- All controls and standard curves are valid.
- There are no samples that have a warning or error associated with.
Once enabled, it can be chosen to further extend the automated authorization process.
Partial authorization
Turning on partial authorization will enable you to release results on a sample level. If only one sample on your plate has a result with a warning or error, all other samples can still be automatically authorized. When you enable this feature, make sure the 'AuthorizationState' column in your Analysis results CSV is available in your export to distinguish new and already authorized results.
Partial authorization for not detected results only
Turn on this feature if you want to limit the automatically authorized results to not detected results only, enabling you to manually review all detected & erroneous results.
Previous results
When a sample has a previously authorized result, this sample is marked with a specific icon in FastFinder Analysis, i.e.. Indicate the time frame for which you want to see that there is a previous result, e.g. ‘Unlimited' means that the icon will be shown when there is any previous result whereas '1 month’ means that the icon will only be shown when there is a previous result that is less than one month old.