Known bugs Workflow 2.4
Last updated on October 17, 2024
- Constraint number cannot exceed 96 while more orders are selected
- It is not possible to confirm the normalization section after first falling a sample, but then cancelling instead of selecting a failure reason
- it i not possible to re-queue a pooled sample that has been transferred
- Plate selections in run are not always in sync
- Same plate can be selected twice
Known bugs Workflow 2.4
Last updated on May 03, 2024
- Constraint number cannot exceed 96 while more orders are selected
- Discriminator is not saved on ordered assay sample level when importing orders
- Plate multi-well selection fails after multiple sample selection
- Correlation of samples in multi-step activities is not correct in case only one sample is selected on input
- audit logs are not generated when: a file is uploaded twice, a file with unknown input barcodes is uploaded, a file with an unknown instrument is uploaded, and a file without an instrument identifier
- Cannot scroll on Sample or Resource detail page when things don't fit on the screen.
- When uploading the Resource Inventory Workflow, some activities may be hidden because they are overlapping
- Sample warnings are not shown in the next activity that they are used in.
- When performing a run with incoming sample the “Go to run” button is not redirecting you to the run of the incoming sample.
- Files uploaded before the run is started are not automatically linked to the run
- Instrument names disappear sometimes
- When having left-over work in a sample to result workflow, it is not possible to trigger a requeue to start of workflow from inventory
- The type of failed state for a sample is not correctly shown in the front end on the output carriers.
- The orders status is not updated in the confirm instrument file section in an auto start activity.
Known bugs Workflow 2.3
Last updated on February 12, 2024
- Correlation of samples in a multi step activity is not correct in the case of one single sample used in that run
- Plate multi well selection fails after multiple sample selection
- Autostart is triggered multiple times when faulty automate2500 file is uploaded
- Fail to load quantstudio plate setup file into Thermo Fisher Design and Analysis software
- Using the forward slash character ( / ) in a plate barcode can block the export or download of the plate setup file
Known bugs Workflow 2.2
Last updated on February 12, 2024
- Correlation of samples in a multi step activity is not correct in the case of one single sample used in that run
- Plate multi well selection fails after multiple sample selection
- Autostart is triggered multiple times when faulty automate2500 file is uploaded
- Fail to load quantstudio plate setup file into Thermo Fisher Design and Analysis software
- Using the forward slash character ( / ) in a plate barcode can block the export or download of the plate setup file