This release of FastFinder Workflow brings significant enhancements across multiple areas. An Inventory module has been added to the platform, introducing features such as samples overview, detailed sample information including sample history, and the ability to manually edit volume. We’ve also added functions to consume, produce, retrieve, and store samples from workflow activities, which automates the inventory management.
With the introduction of the new batching section, users can create batches without having to perform manual sample selection at the start of each activity.
Queueing of samples has also been improved with handling of additional requests, failed sample management, retesting, and cancellations. In addition, the visualization of these queues has been improved.
Lastly, we’ve added several new features including automated plate-setup and incoming samples. The PurePrep FR was added to the list of supported instruments.
Workflow 2.4.6 (10 DECEMBER, 2024)
Bug fixes
- Discard button is always available on minimal screen resolution (1366x768 pixels)
- Passive reference dye is available in the QuantStudio plate setup .txt file
- Volumes are removed from the plate setup export
Workflow 2.4.5 (16 SEPTEMBER, 2024)
Bug fixes
- Sample selection using a bluetooth barcode scanner is possible
- When a warning is added to a sample, it is no longer duplicated and the consecutive analysis can be conducted
Workflow 2.4.3 (30 JULY, 2024)
Bug fixes
We fixed a bug where samples were not shown in the queue.
We fixed a bug where the selected number of samples was incorrectly calculated in the constraints.
We fixed a bug that caused the well positions in a run to be empty.
Workflow 2.4.2 (18 JUN 2024)
New feature
- We have introduced a new feature that allows instruction sections to automatically proceed when no user input is required, reducing manual intervention.
Bug fixes
- Resolved an issue where order statuses were not updated correctly during an auto start activity.
- Fixed the scrolling issue on the auto assignment screen, ensuring all elements are accessible and improving overall usability.
- Corrected the front-end display problem where the sample failed state was not accurately shown in the output carriers within Wetlab.
- Fixed a bug where the 'incoming samples' URL did not point to the correct workflow run.
- Fixed a bug that prevented proper handling of orders with faulty requests, now allowing these orders to be correctly processed and removed from the orders overview.
- Updated the PurePrep TTR parser for enhanced performance and reliability.
Workflow 2.4.1 (03 MAY 2024)
- Improvements were made to the workflow definitions with the move of the instructions section and resources to step level, allowing for more flexibility in the creation of multistep activities.
Fixed bugs
- In PCR-only activities, wrong samples may be selected when filtering for a specific assay
- Analysis settings are overwritten when uploading new workflow definition and need to be configured again
- Fail to load QuantStudio plate setup file into ThermoFisher Design and Analysis software
- URL filter not working in the Order, Runs, Archived Sample results and Archived Runs overview
- importing files in ‘inbox/analysis/qpcr analysis’ shouldn’t work
- Only sample comments from the last step of a multi-step activity are propagated to the audit trail in Analysis or Samples archive
- Order CSV could not be parsed.