An Assay Plugin is a software package developed for a specific assay for a specific device: it contains assay-specific details (targets, mixes…), the algorithm that performs the analysis, and the assay logic that determines the exact functioning of the plugin. This software package is imported to the FastFinder platform, comparable to the installation of an application on a smartphone. Due to the hardcoded information and logic, analyses are standardized and fully reproducible. When using different assays or the same assay on multiple cyclers, different APs are made available in FastFinder.
Decision tree
The Decision Tree contains the logic of an AP and describes how the plugin will work.
The algorithm will analyse the data and provide a result for each individual curve. The FastFinder algorithm considers various parameters and features (e.g., curve shape, plate context, different phases of the curves, …), and based on this data, it decides on a result state per target. The algorithm is fixed in an AP and is not automatically updated when a new FastFinder platform version becomes available.